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Zybro Digital Language Lab: the Perfect Learning Aid

It is widely known that conventional training methods have less effect on people’s language skill and communicative proficiency. This situation led to the innovation of language laboratory. The first generation language labs have evolved into high-tech digital language laboratories, which use audio visual methods for language and communication training. Zybro digital language is the latest futuristically designed digital language lab solution with advanced features which promote natural learner centered language learning methodology.

The major advantage of Zybro lab is that the learner will not be under pressure while learning. The interactive learning exercises allow learners to practice test the result of learning without the fear of being punished for any mistake. The technology-assisted language learning reduces the anxiety of students and provides a positive atmosphere of learning. The language lab facilitates learners to access all that they need just on the click of the mouse. It also imparts effective language training giving prominence to listening and speaking skills. It can be utilized as a useful audio visual tool for conducting speech practice, listening and comprehension and creative skill development.

Zybro serves as the meeting ground for the education and the exceptionally talented youths of the country by providing customized English language training modules and to meet the increasing demand of highly skilled and communicative proficient workforce. Zybro has innovative pedagogical and technological tools to ensure that the learners get hand on training for communication and language skill development. To ensure absolute accomplishments of the language learning needs and flawless execution, we devise programmes keeping in account the macro and micro aspects.

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