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Watching a Movie using Language Lab Enhance Learning

Tired of talking continuously in the class? Want something exciting for your students? Then give them a movie to watch and learn. You might be thinking whether it will work out or students may tend to fall asleep in the dim lights. But, it’s not true. Creating lessons with movie clipping is a fine way to have fun and engage English learning students. Digital language lab provides limitless options in which movies can support your lesson By using movies, teacher can reinforce sentence structure, a grammar point, improve vocabulary, role play, discuss and debate and to listen for information.

Movies are wonderful ways for students to listen to up-to-date speeches and be exposed to various accents. Since there are countless movies based on various ideas, you can use them to introduce or spark discussions about a certain topic, be it a historical event or the culture of another country. By bringing popular movies into the lessons, you show students how they can learn from and practice English while watching movies in their own time.
Digital language labs are wonderful tools that help to implement movies into any lesson, with the purpose of getting students comprehend and learn meanings.
Watching movies help the students to get more involved to talk fluently in any situation with correct and new phrases. Group exercises and role play activities can be assigned to students after the movies.
Zybro language lab is added with a huge collection of authentic English videos that can enhance the communication skills and vocabulary of students. It includes movies that are fun and knowledge-based. These are videos that your students already love watching, so they’ll be beyond excited to interact with them in the classroom.

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