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Students Steering Language Learning with Digital Language Lab

Over the last few decades, language learning has gradually been developing and has witnessed several advancements since the introduction of innovative technologies in the education sector. With the advancing of digital language laboratory in language learning, it has moved from a teacher-centred approach to a student-centred learning, where the learner gets full autonomy over the learning. This trend has accelerated swiftly in recent years with the increasing number of institutions which use language lab software in language instruction and communication classes. In several aspects, this technology intrusion has changed the teacher's role from the supreme controller and knowledge-transmitter to guide, scaffolder, coach, and facilitator.

In English classes, with language lab software, the teacher can ensure full involvement and participation of students in the activities and exercises allotted to them. Here, the teacher is only a counsellor and the students themselves evolve ideas and thoughts to express their feelings and emotions in a better way in the target language. Students can conduct analysis and tailor learning that suits their needs. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced level learners, language lab helps you move forward with better fluency and expertise in communication.

Learner-centred approaches with techniques such as group work, role play, discussion, debate and others with practices whereby the teacher gives little instruction and learners find out for themselves, can be well deployed with language laboratory. Hence, for better teaching-learning experience, language educators now prefer virtual language learning tools.

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