Importance of Stories in English Language Learning
We know that learning English using language lab software is one of the
best possible approaches available today. ‘But how?’ This is always a question before
English teachers. Teachers can use so many methodologies and strategies using digital
language lab to make English learning easy and trouble-free for students.
Assigning stories is one such best way to get the learners more involved in language
learning and to make the learning more enjoyable and knowledgeable for children.
Stories offer students with particular contexts for speaking English. Assigning stories
is extremely valuable for children who cannot experience immersive language learning
atmosphere. Most of the teachers might have gone through such a situation where the
students are struggling to speak in English. Experiencing a story/fairy-tale/legend in
English class helps the children to imagine themselves in a world where the story
happens and this will automatically facilitate them to speak in English. Children after
listening to the story lines a few time will start assume the role of the story teller.
Sometimes they may try to imagine what is going to happen next. A good story with simple
questions enables the students to recollect the lines they heard and they will try to
answer the questions and may start make predictions.
The speaking, listening and reading practice options in digital language lab is
beneficial for teachers to enhance the communicative skill of learners through different
literary forms such as poems, fictions and prose as well. Teachers can create new
stories or add from complimentary materials to instruct English. Students can explore
their emotions through stories and learn better ways to express it.